API Reference

ASGI Entry Point

class jsonrpc.ASGIHandler(*, title='jsonrpc-py', version='0.1.0', description=Undefined, terms_of_service=Undefined, contact=Undefined, license=Undefined, servers=<factory>, openrpc_url='/openrpc.json')

Base class representing the ASGI entry point.


The title of the API.


The version of the API.


A description of the API.


A URL to the Terms of Service for the API.


The contact information for the API.


The license information for the API.


An array of servers, which provide connectivity information to a target server.


The URL where the OpenRPC schema will be served from.


The jsonrpc.AsyncDispatcher object for this instance.


The jsonrpc.JSONSerializer object for this instance.


The jsonrpc.LifespanEvents object for this instance.

property openrpc

Returns the jsonrpc.openrpc.OpenRPC schema object.

Routing user-defined functions

class jsonrpc.AsyncDispatcher

A simple class for storing user-defined functions.


The collections.OrderedDict object storage of user-defined functions.

register(user_function=None, /, **kwargs)

Adds a user-defined function to the registry.

  • user_function – A user-defined function.

  • kwargs – Schema parameters of a function, also see jsonrpc.openrpc.Method parameters.


The jsonrpc.Function object that has the same signature as user_function object.

async dispatch(function_name, /, *args, **kwargs)

Invokes a user-defined function by the function name.

  • function_name – The name of function.

  • args – Positional arguments for the provided function.

  • kwargs – Keyword arguments for the provided function.


jsonrpc.Error – If the function doesn’t exists, got invalid parameters or an unexpected internal error has occurred.


Result of execution the user-defined function.

class jsonrpc.Function(*, callback, signature, schema)

Almost the same as a functools.partial() function.


The original collections.abc.Callable object.


A inspect.Signature object of a function.


A jsonrpc.openrpc.Method schema object of a function.

classmethod from_callable(user_function, /, **kwargs)

Constructs jsonrpc.Function object for the given callable object.

  • user_function – A user-defined function.

  • kwargs – Schema parameters of a function, also see jsonrpc.openrpc.Method parameters.


TypeError – If a user_function object is not a user-defined function.

Error handling

class jsonrpc.ErrorEnum(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)

An enumeration of error codes that indicates the error type that occurred.

PARSE_ERROR = -32700

Error occurred due the serialization or deserialization.


Error occurred due the receiving an invalid jsonrpc.Request object.


Error occurred due the invoking a missing user-function.


Error occurred due the receiving an invalid user-function’s arguments.


Error occurred due the unexpected internal errors.

exception jsonrpc.Error(*, code, message, data=Undefined)

Base class for all encountered errors in the JSON-RPC protocol.


The int object that indicates the error type that occurred.


The str object that contains a short description of the error.


An any type of object that contains additional information about the error.

property json

Returns the dict object needed for the serialization.

Example output:

>>> error: Error = Error(
...     code=ErrorEnum.INTERNAL_ERROR,
...     message="Unexpected error",
...     data={"additional": "information"}
... )
>>> error.json
{"code": -32603, "message": "Unexpected error", "data": {"additional": "information"}}

Requests & Responses

class jsonrpc.Request(*, method, params=Undefined, request_id=Undefined)

Base JSON-RPC request object.


The str object containing the name of the method.


The object of type list or dict that holds the parameter values to be used during the invocation of the method. May be omitted if provided method has no parameters for example.


The str object or any type of numbers.Number object which represents an identifier of the request instance. May be omitted. If its value omitted, the request assumed to be a notification.

property args

Returns the tuple object containing positional arguments of the method.

property kwargs

Returns the dict object containing keyword arguments of the method.

property is_notification

Returns True if the identifier of the request is omitted, False elsewise.

classmethod from_json(obj, /)

The class method for creating the jsonrpc.Request object from dict object. Unlike the jsonrpc.Request constructor, doesn’t raises any exceptions by validations, it returns the jsonrpc.Error as is.

Example usage:

>>> Request.from_json({"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "foobar", "id": 1})
Request(method="foobar", params=Undefined, request_id=1)
>>> Request.from_json({"not_jsonrpc": True})
Error(code=-32600, message="Invalid request object", data={"not_jsonrpc": True})
class jsonrpc.BatchRequest(initlist=None)

The collections.UserList subclass representing the collection of jsonrpc.Request and jsonrpc.Error objects.

classmethod from_json(iterable, /)

The class method for creating the jsonrpc.BatchRequest object from collections.abc.Iterable of dict objects. Similar to jsonrpc.Request.from_json() function it doesn’t raises any exceptions.

Example usage:

>>> BatchRequest.from_json([
...     {"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "foobar", "id": 1},
...     {"not_jsonrpc": True}
... ])
BatchRequest([Request(…), Error(…)])
class jsonrpc.Response(*, body=Undefined, error=Undefined, response_id=Undefined)

Base JSON-RPC response object.


An any type of object that contains a result of successful processing the jsonrpc.Request object. This attribute must not be set if there an error has occurred.


The jsonrpc.Error object representing an erroneous processing the jsonrpc.Request object. This attribute must not be set if no one error has occurred.


The same attribute as jsonrpc.Request.request_id except that its value might be equal to None in erroneous responses.

property json

Returns the dict object needed for the serialization.

Example successful response:

>>> response: Response = Response(body="foobar", response_id=65535)
>>> response.json
{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "result": "foobar", "id": 65535}

Example erroneous response:

>>> error: Error = Error(code=ErrorEnum.INTERNAL_ERROR, message="Unexpected error")
>>> response: Response = Response(error=error, response_id="6ba7b810")
>>> response.json
{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "error": {"code": -32603, "message": "Unexpected error"}, "id": "6ba7b810"}
class jsonrpc.BatchResponse(initlist=None)

The collections.UserList subclass representing the collection of jsonrpc.Response objects.

property json

Returns the list of dict objects needed for the serialization.

Example output:

>>> response: BatchResponse = BatchResponse([
...     Response(body="foobar", response_id=1024),
...     Response(
...         error=Error(code=ErrorEnum.INTERNAL_ERROR, message="Unexpected error"),
...         response_id="6ba7b810"
...     )
... ])
>>> response.json
    {"jsonrpc": "2.0", "result": "foobar", "id": 1024},
    {"jsonrpc": "2.0", "error": {"code": -32603, "message": "Unexpected error"}, "id": "6ba7b810"}

Data Serialization

class jsonrpc.JSONSerializer

A simple class for serializing and deserializing JSON.

serialize(obj, /)

Returns the JSON representation of a value.


obj – An any type of object that must be JSON serializable.


jsonrpc.Error – If any exception has occurred due the serialization or/and encoding to bytes.


The bytes object containing the serialized Python data structure.

deserialize(obj, /)

Returns the value encoded in JSON in appropriate Python type.


obj – The bytes object containing the serialized JSON document.


jsonrpc.Error – If any exception has occurred due the deserialization or/and decoding from bytes.


An any type of object containing the deserialized Python data structure.


class jsonrpc.LifespanEvents

Simple class for storing the user-defined functions that running when application is initiated and shutting down.


The weakref.WeakSet collection of startup functions.


The weakref.WeakSet collection of shutdown functions.

on_startup(user_function, /)

Decorator for the adding a function which will be executed when application is initiated.

Example usage:

>>> @app.events.on_startup
... def startup_callback() -> None:
...     print("Some important message")

user_function – The collections.abc.Callable object representing the user-defined function.


The unmodified user_function object, passed in the parameters.

on_shutdown(user_function, /)

Decorator for the adding a function which will be executed when application is shutting down.

Example usage:

>>> @app.events.on_shutdown
... async def shutdown_callback() -> None:
...     await important_function()

user_function – The collections.abc.Callable object representing the user-defined function.


The unmodified user_function object, passed in the parameters.